Ultrasonic sensor instructions and precautions to explain in detail

Ultrasonic sensors as a kind of sensor have lost universal use in the industry. Let's clarify the explanation of the ultrasonic sensor by clarifying and keeping an eye out.

(a) Application clarification

1) Features and Utilization

Ultrasonic sensors are sensors developed using the features of ultrasound. Ultrasound is a kind of machine wave whose vibration frequency is higher than that of sound wave. The vibration of the transducer chip is generated under the encouragement of voltage. It has high frequency, non-wave and non-diffraction scene, and is especially good in bias and may become a ray. Directional dissemination and other characteristics. Ultrasonic penetration of liquids, solids is very large, especially in the sun is not bright solid, it can penetrate a depth of 10 meters. Ultrasound encounters impurities or the interface will reflect significant reflections into echoes, and Doppler effects can occur in moving objects. Therefore, ultrasonic testing is widely used in industry, defense, biomedicine and other aspects.

2) Mission frequency

The task frequency is the resonance frequency of the piezoelectric chip. When the frequency of the exchange voltage applied to both ends is commensurate with the resonant frequency of the chip, the output energy is the greatest, and the sensitivity is also the highest.

3) mission temperature

Because the Curie point of the piezoelectric data is relatively high, especially when the ultrasonic probe for diagnosis is used with less power, the task temperature is lower than that, and the task can be performed for a long time without losing effect. Ultrasound probes for medical use have higher temperatures and require their own cooling equipment.

4) Acuity

It's important to make the chip itself. The electromechanical coupling coefficient is high and the sensitivity is high; otherwise, the sensitivity is low.

(B) Ultrasonic Sensors

1. To ensure the reliability and long application life, do not apply the sensor outdoors or at places where the temperature is higher.

2. Because the ultrasonic sensor uses the atmosphere as the transmission medium, when the temperature is partially different, the reflection and refraction at the boundary may incur misjudgment, and the interval of detection when the wind blows will also change. Therefore, sensors should not be used beside equipment such as forced air blowers.

3. The jets emitted by the air jets have a variety of frequencies, which can affect the sensors and should not be used in proximity to the sensors.

4. Drops of water in the name of the sensor shrink the detection interval.

5, fine powder and cotton yarn and other information can not be detected when receiving sound (reflective sensor).

6, can not apply sensors in the vacuum area or explosion-proof area.

7. Do not apply sensors in areas where there is steam; the air in this area is uneven. Temperature gradients will occur, causing measurement errors.

Through the above application of the ultrasonic sensor clarification and attention to the introduction of the matter, I look forward to the night home task training to assist.

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Ultrasonic sensor instructions and precautions to explain in detail

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Ultrasonic sensor instructions and precautions to explain in detail

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Ultrasonic sensor instructions and precautions to explain in detail

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