Use the ordinary compass of the stationery store to accurately locate

Many Shaochu brothers often complain that it is difficult to buy a good compass. The compass for the Zhengzheng military is expensive and difficult to purchase. In fact, when the ancients first invented the compass, the tools they used were not simpler. In fact, as long as the method is proper, a general compass can also be used to set a very close direction. Of course, satellite alignment is not required to be as sophisticated as military navigation. The method is: 1 Choose the compass for students who are cheap. But be sure to choose the one that can rotate flexibly. 2 (and most importantly) is the method of connecting multiple points in a straight line (southward money) on flat ground. (1) Place the compass in front of the pot that wants to align the star. First, use the projection method to take a rope and the direction of the pointer to determine a straight line in the direction of the guide. Then carefully pull out the compass. Use a piece of chalk to draw a "short line" along the direction of the rope. After finishing. Put the compass in the front direction of this short straight line and 10 centimeters before the first place to put the compass. Use the above method to set another short straight line. Then repeat the above steps. In a more or less winning way, finally set a positive south line connecting the directions of these short straight lines, so that you can use the protractor to determine the star you want. After such multi-point orientation method. The direction set is very accurate. I use this method to complete the initial star search. Very successful. Note: If you are looking for stars on the floor. Due to the reinforced structure in the cement board. Or there are other metal objects around that will deflect the compass direction. But after orientation at different points and different positions. However, at other points, it was not affected by steel bars. . The straight line connecting the points is the direction you want to orientate to the south. In this way, it is possible to have a compass that is easily available for students to locate without having to worry about the military compass that is more than 100 yuan and is not easily available. Haha. . .
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PLC control servo motor accurate positioning method

This article aims to elaborate the method of using PLC to control the servo motor to achieve accurate positioning, and introduce some of the control systems that need to be recognized and solved in the design and implementation ...

Published on 2011-07-12 11:05 • 71224 times read
PLC control servo motor accurate positioning method
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