On the issues that need to be paid attention to in a pot of multi-star ratings

The reception of one pot of multi-stars will undoubtedly bring many benefits to the majority of TV enthusiasts; first, it saves the cost of buying pots for the relatively economically constrained enthusiasts; second, it saves space for pots in big cities; third It is to add fun and improve the hands-on abilities of fans who like to tune the stars, and accumulate the experience of tune the stars.

However; there are certain limitations in engaging in a pot of multi-stars. From my experience summarization of multiple pots of multi-stars, fans must pay attention to the following issues;

First, before engaging in a pot of multi-stars, be sure to understand the local signal field strength of the satellites received, and determine whether you can use your existing pot for normal viewing based on the field strength;

Two; in accordance with the principle of difficulty first, then specifically, the main focus should be on satellites with relatively weak signals. If the main focus is in the middle of several satellites received, then it is an ideal position, such as in Sichuan The central part wants to receive 105.5C, 100.5C, 87.5C, 88C, 110.5KU, 122KU, etc. According to the data, the field strengths of these satellites are all strong, with an average of more than 38 decibels, and now use the 1.5-meter main focus For 105.5 reception, other satellites were received as off-focus, and as a result almost all parameters were successfully received. Another example: if you want to receive 138KU, 146KU, 122KU, 134C, etc., then the main focus should be on the weaker 134C, so that the off-focus satellites can be downloaded normally.

Three; when receiving a pot of multiple stars, the angle between the main focal point and the defocused star should not exceed 20-25 degrees (based on the 1.5-meter pot), otherwise it is difficult to receive normally, for example, I use 1.5 The main focus of the Mi antenna is 106.5 satellites, and the offset is 76.5. The difference between them is 29 degrees. Some parameters cannot be downloaded. Especially if the signal of 76.5 has dropped significantly, it is more difficult to download it.

Four; pay attention to a pot of multiple stars, with the increase of the high-frequency head can not ignore the high-frequency head feeder disk to block the signal and make the signal drop. If it is necessary to remove the high-frequency head feeder, the experiment proves that removing the high-frequency head feeder has almost no effect on the signal.

5. In the process of adjusting the star, in order to quickly find the defocused satellite signal, you must choose the set of parameters with stronger signal on the defocused satellite. When searching for the signal, you must follow the principle that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Can roughly determine the position of the off-focus tuner, and pay attention to the correct polarization angle when shaking the tuner in the approximate position.

Six; after adjusting the out-of-focus satellite signal, we must find a way to fix the high-frequency head. The fixing of the high-frequency head is best to make a multi-functional fixture (please refer to the related article for self-made), which is convenient for fine adjustment and flexible star adjustment. It is also more reliable and sturdy.

Generally speaking, you must be attentive and patient to be successful when engaging in a one-pot multi-star reception, in order to continuously accumulate your own star-seeking experience and enrich your screen.

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