ON Semiconductor Introduces Series of Discharge Protection Devices

ON Semiconductor has introduced the first in a new line of ultra-low capacitance electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection devices. The new ESD9L is a single-wire ESD protection device that provides 0.5 picofarads (pF) of capacitance and industry-leading low clamping voltage. This component is the industry's smallest package for ESD protection applications and is ideal for high-speed data line protection in portable applications such as cell phones, MP3 players, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and digital cameras.

As newer integrated circuit (IC) technology uses smaller and smaller geometries and lower operating voltages, the ever-changing portable products are becoming more sensitive to ESD voltage impairments. At the same time, portable electronic systems require lower capacitance to maintain the signal integrity of their high-speed data line applications. Traditional off-chip protection solutions based on silicon transient voltage suppression (TVS) diodes offer low clamping voltages and fast response times, but their large capacitance limits their use in high speed applications. Competitive off-chip protection technologies such as polymers and ceramic varistors provide low capacitance, but their high ESD clamping voltage limits their ability to protect extremely sensitive ICs from ESD damage.

"The challenge for portable device designers is to find a combination of low capacitance and low ESD clamp voltage characteristics, and the package size is small enough to fit today's shrinking portable size," said Mai Manquan, vice president of marketing for Asia Pacific's Standard Products Division at ON Semiconductor. Off-chip ESD protection solutions for electronic applications. ON Semiconductor's ESD9L family of ESD protection diodes for high-speed data line applications solves the challenge for designers." Reading era
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